Studio Information
Voice studies include 34 weeks of lessons, from September to June, 1 rep class, and 2 recitals, prep for Vocal Festival and several competitions, and numerous recital rehearsals. Additional rehearsals are called for with accompanist. These rehearsals are separate from studio tuition and are charged directly by the accompanist. Lessons begin the week of September 8th and run through Friday June 19th. There are also 4 weeks of break in this schedule; 2 weeks in Dec for Holidays and 2 separate weeks for Easter /spring break.
In addition, a minimum of 3 lessons are expected in the summer, adapted to various vacation schedules and to keep the student in shape, and will be billed on a per lesson basis. Summer lessons are offered four weeks in July and three in August.
Why weekly lessons? Consistency is critical for our young learners, and the expectation that they have specific exercises, ideas, study tapes, etc, to work on each week builds them vocally, musically, and dramatically, and also adds to their vocal “toolbox”. Coming sporadically does not build confident, accomplished singers.
Why two recitals instead of one like other studios? The vocal growth that happens in the studio when participating in two recitals is enormous. Having to prepare for two programs requires my students to be focused, open to hard work, and actively engaged in their repertoire. It provides an opportunity to sing with other students from other schools, and a chance to sing in front of another audience. Our winter concert focuses mainly on classical rep even though the student will also work on theater rep. In the spring we include our classical rep, and highlight theater music, as well as duets, and trios from operas and theater. This gives the students a chance to kick up their heels with some theater and popular music and work with students they generally don’t work with! Not all students will sing in the recitals. Occasionally a younger student may not be ready to sing on the recital. Those students may be asked to present something in a smaller format in my studio.
Acceptance into studio indicates a commitment to practice. In order to grow vocally I firmly believe that a student must commit to practicing daily for 15-20 minutes to reinforce specific points on which we are working. Singers train like athletes do, continually strengthening the muscles that are involved in healthy singing. If a student isn't feeling well, a lot of work can be done without even singing a note!
Students must bring to each lesson:
1)Any music books we have ordered and your Binder of music (I will supply binder).What's in your binder?
Lesson schedule, lesson weeks, important events, Sight reading sheets, Mrs Healy's vocal tips, copies of music we are studying, and "focus on" sheets.
2) A means to record: i.e. iphone, ipod etc. We record vocal exercises, language-diction, melody, accompaniment, etc.
MUSIC and Repertoire
Students will be assigned music books that they must purchase. Orders will be placed through the studio in September. I usually select rep from several sources and sometimes I will provide music from my personal library.
Regular attendance is expected of each student. Please arrive a few minutes prior to your scheduled time. Parents you are welcome to wait for your child in the kitchen or sunroom, but not in the studio. It distracts from the learning experience if a parent sits in. I want to be building confident, independent young singers. Sometimes I will ask a parent to come in and listen.
Please notify Mrs. Healy via text if you will be arriving more than 5 minutes late for your assigned time.
Exceptance to Policy is as follows:
1) Emergency school closings - When inclement weather forces the cancellation of activities, lessons will be made up.
2) In the event that I have an unforeseen conflict, lessons will be made up.
To keep my fees down and to devote my time to teaching, I offer each student 4 free lessons to accommodate those conflicts that arise in your schedule. There are no make up lessons.
There are 34 weeks offered for you to make your 30 paid lessons. If you make all 34 lessons, you are receiving four free lessons. If you are not feeling 100% on a lesson day we can still use the time to review language, look for new rep or tape an accompaniment, work on characterization or rhythm.
When selecting and scheduling a lesson time with my studio, please insure that doesn't conflict with your sports, rehearsals, appointments, club meetings, etc.
If you are cast in a show, please remember to list your lesson as a conflict. Your lesson in my studio is a pre-paid commitment. If you are not able to get out of rehearsal to attend your scheduled lesson with me, then you must notify me that you are not coming and I will see you the following week. If you find you have a conflict that will be for a long period of time, notify me and I will see if I have a new permanent time I can move you to.
A list of other students lesson times are provided under the schedule tab by day. You are allowed to switch times with other students for conflicts and you must make sure you let me know when you do. You can contact me via email which I typically check in the early mornings and around 10 pm in the evenings.
SINGERS:This is a two way street: if you want to discuss working on a specific song for an audition, have an issue with a section of a song we are working on, don't fully grasp a vocalize, etc , tell me. THIS HELPS ME TEACH YOU. No question from you is silly; if the question is there you need to let me know it! We are working as a TEAM to build your voice . I prefer this dialogue to be between student and teacher, and not thru the parent.
Tuition is billed in 10 monthly payments, due on the first of each month beginning in September. Tuition includes lessons, repertoire class, recital fees and rehearsal fees. Accompanist fees for recitals and competitions are not included, and are paid directly to the accompanist by the recital date. A $10 late fee will be charged for payments received past the 10th of each month.