October 10th Deadline for submission for Community Recital Oct 19th
19th Community Recital - Loutis Recital Hall - UD (Deadline 10/1)
25th State MTNA Competition (select Students)
November 21st 5:00-6:30 pm Repertoire Class at Mrs. Healy's Home. All State Solos, quartets and Studio Binder Competition and Mrs Healy's voice tips quiz!
22nd All State Auditions
26th Deadline for submission for Community Recital December 14th
December 5,6th NATS Competition
14th Community Recital - Gore Hall (Deadline 11/26)
January 15th Deadline for DSMTA Vocal Festival Entries
17th 11am-5pm Mandatory rehearsal at Mrs. Healy's home. Times to be assigned.
18th 11am-5pm Mandatory rehearsal at Mrs. Healy's home. Times to be assigned.
23rd 3:00-6:00 pm Mandatory Dress Rehearsal for Studio Recital at Newark Methodist Church, Main Street
25th 2:00 pm (1 pm student call) Winter Studio Recital, Newark Methodist Church, Main Street
February 1st 2015 Hal Leonard Voice Competition Submission Deadline
1st 12:30pm - 4:00 pm DSMTA Vocal Festival for solos, duets anad trios. (Deadline for entry 1/15)
4th Deadline for submission for Community Recital Feb 22
TBA Schmidt Voice Competition (Select Students)
22nd Community Recital- Louis Recital Hall (deadline 2/4)
March 8th DSMTA Theory Festival
May 17th Honors Recital
25-29 Rehearsals with Mrs. Papili - days and times to be assigned.
June 5th 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Mandatory Dress Rehearsal for Spring Recital. Newark United Methodist Church, Main Street
7th 2pm (12:30 Student Call Time) Spring Recital, Newark United Methodist Church, Main Street5,
19th Community Recital - Loutis Recital Hall - UD (Deadline 10/1)
25th State MTNA Competition (select Students)
November 21st 5:00-6:30 pm Repertoire Class at Mrs. Healy's Home. All State Solos, quartets and Studio Binder Competition and Mrs Healy's voice tips quiz!
22nd All State Auditions
26th Deadline for submission for Community Recital December 14th
December 5,6th NATS Competition
14th Community Recital - Gore Hall (Deadline 11/26)
January 15th Deadline for DSMTA Vocal Festival Entries
17th 11am-5pm Mandatory rehearsal at Mrs. Healy's home. Times to be assigned.
18th 11am-5pm Mandatory rehearsal at Mrs. Healy's home. Times to be assigned.
23rd 3:00-6:00 pm Mandatory Dress Rehearsal for Studio Recital at Newark Methodist Church, Main Street
25th 2:00 pm (1 pm student call) Winter Studio Recital, Newark Methodist Church, Main Street
February 1st 2015 Hal Leonard Voice Competition Submission Deadline
1st 12:30pm - 4:00 pm DSMTA Vocal Festival for solos, duets anad trios. (Deadline for entry 1/15)
4th Deadline for submission for Community Recital Feb 22
TBA Schmidt Voice Competition (Select Students)
22nd Community Recital- Louis Recital Hall (deadline 2/4)
March 8th DSMTA Theory Festival
May 17th Honors Recital
25-29 Rehearsals with Mrs. Papili - days and times to be assigned.
June 5th 1:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Mandatory Dress Rehearsal for Spring Recital. Newark United Methodist Church, Main Street
7th 2pm (12:30 Student Call Time) Spring Recital, Newark United Methodist Church, Main Street5,